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ipod touch 2g

使用 iPod Touch 時有問題? 在此尋求專業的 iPod Touch 技術支援解決方案.

ipod touch 2g

文章abc03zyx » 19 12月 2011, 22:39

Skyz, no time no see.

I jb ipod touch 2g. First use greenpoison. After jb, no loader icon, then I just redsnow to add cydia. It's okay with icon of cydia nd loader. Then I follow the steps to activate cydia. After upgrade essential and restarted, the cydia and loader icons became white, and when i enter cydia, it gave message "Unable to Load(the certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "" which could put your confidential information at risk.) I restart the ipod and still the same.

What should I do.

文章: 87
註冊時間: 06 8月 2010, 17:02
iOS 主機型號: iPad 1 (Wi-Fi Only)
iOS 裝置容量: 16GB
iOS (韌體) 版本: > 3.0.0
電腦作業系統: Windows
越獄狀態: 尚未越獄

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