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■■ipod touch 4G 升級問題■■

使用 iPod Touch 時有問題? 在此尋求專業的 iPod Touch 技術支援解決方案.

■■ipod touch 4G 升級問題■■

Postby 64783299 » 25 Nov 2012, 12:27

我ipod touch 4G 係4.2.1版本 , 我想升5.0.1 or 5.1.1.
但係我回復升級果陣,出現3194 error.
用左TinyUmbrella ,就出現2005 error,點解決 THX
Posts: 2
Joined: 24 Nov 2012, 22:19
iOS Device: iPod Touch 4G (Black)
iOS Device Capacity: 32GB
iOS (Firmware) Version: 4.2.1
Operating System: Windows
Jailbreak Status: Jailbroken

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