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apple mobile device support

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apple mobile device support

Postby » 26 Nov 2010, 00:37

不能删除apple mobile device support 在电脑管理(control panel remove program)
因为itune打开就出现apple mobile device support help.itune技术方法是重新安装。(qicktime,itune,more..all itune software can delet only can't remove apple mobile device support.其它文件都删除就是它不能删掉。请高手帮助?谢谢?
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Posts: 2
Joined: 22 Nov 2010, 22:31
iOS Device: iPhone 4 (Black)
iOS Device Capacity: 16GB
iOS (Firmware) Version: 4.1.0
Operating System: Windows
Jailbreak Status: Jailbroken

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